
When HELL freezes over, I'll ride there too!!!

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A message from our Vertical Assessment Engineer

Snowmopalooza was started many years ago by a bunch of friends who got together to go skiing in the Northeast and decided to take one day from their skiing to go snowmobiling. We have come a long way since then and now focus on week long excursions all over the United States in search of DEEP snow and great sledding. This is the first time since we started heading out west that we found a place that we have returned too. There have been a few others that are on the return list but for several reasons we are heading back to Island Park, ID again and again. A combination of good trails, accessible fuel stops and great food has won us over. We are always looking for new and exciting locations to explore and hoping an ever expanding community of like minded people will help that come to fruition. We are always looking for help with this endevour so if you would like to make suggestions please contact us. We are actively looking for people that would like to share stories, photos, and videos of their adventures. We realize it is almost impossible to keep up with the like of social media professionals, and we are not trying to. Snowmopalooza is more about remembering great adventures and sharing them with friends. Whether it be from last week, last year or 5 years ago... dig out those pictures, write down those stories and share them with us so we can share them with others.

We are currently on FB, Twitter & Instagram, check us out!!!